No Man's Sky! The Best Game Ever? Or is it?

Well Since everyone is playing this game i thought that i would do a review. Ok my hommies so here is my take on it.

As all of us were waiting for this Procedurally generated game it has flabbergasted all of us. With stunning graphics all over and No Loading screens. It Sure is an amazing game to play.

  The producers claim that there is little change of user ever meeting each other in the game as there are 18 Quintilian planets out there in this game. Each planet has its own creatures and elements which we have to mine. Each element has a specific role.          

The game economy is enchanting and space fights with alien are amazing. Over all this is a very good game. Technically speaking the developers were not able to rectify any bugs so they created probs that roamed around the galaxy and report any bugs or fix them on spot. There never has been a game on this level before. The sheer vastness is overwhelming.

There is however some cons as the player keeps playing and after a lot of crafting and gathering we tend to feel the monotonous theme of the game. As its name implies no man`s sky it feels lonely and the over all game play is slow.

Even if we landed on each planets for one second it will take 2 billion years to cover all the planets.


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