What is Quantum computer and what are its uses in easy words? Quantum Computer not for normal Public
Dear Computer fans:
I have been asked many times What is a quantum computer. So today im gonna explain it in very easy terms so everyone of us could understand.
So as you know the basics working of a normal computer, which operates by interpreting bits. Bits could be 1s and 0s. 1 means on or true and 0 means off or false. This is the binary language. Data is broken in to this fundamental language so the computer could understand us humans.
Well the main problem is that some sort of specific programs need much more processing power like optimization problems which we might not be able to get from these traditional methods of data processing. Enter Quantum Computing.
Quantum computing is based on quantum physics. Which is weird to be honest. It utilizes qbits (Quantum bits) which can be 1 and 0 at the same time:
There are number of physically objects that could be used as qbits. A single photon, a nucleus or an electron, Each electron could have two states, up down spin or lower energy level and a up spin which is a higher energy level.
The strange thing about quantum computing is that the electron can also exist in a state called quantum superposition where it is neighter has up spin or down spin but could be any of those. It utilizes the Schrodinger model. So if we are able to measure the probability of the super position we could utilize them as qbits to process our optimization problems. In effect qbit = N^2 classical bits.
You could now use a quantum computer by IBM hosted on their cloud at: http://www.research.ibm.com/quantum/
Our normal videos and internet browsing would be even slower on a quantum computer as traditional algorithms are better suited to classical computers and hence sadly we wont be using it any time soon.
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